The dictionnaries don´t explain the origin of this word.
We think perhaps it comes from "walking behind a star, a celebrity"?
(just like moon walking?)
Stalkers follow, watch or chat up other persons.
They following the person to certain places, to see where they live or what the person does.
They find out personal and private information, telephone numbers, details on computers,..
When this gets too much it is a crime!
We think perhaps it comes from "walking behind a star, a celebrity"?
(just like moon walking?)
Stalkers follow, watch or chat up other persons.
They following the person to certain places, to see where they live or what the person does.
They find out personal and private information, telephone numbers, details on computers,..
When this gets too much it is a crime!
1 Kommentar:
Okay, da wir ja im Deutschen das gleiche Wort verwenden - Stalking! -
gibts keinen eigenen Ausdruck dafür.
Es heißt ganz einfach dass jemand (aus verschiedensten Gründen auch immer) hinter jemandem herschleicht, ihn/sie ausspioniert, vor dem Haus herumlungert, Telefonterror versucht...und die Person echt unangenehmst bedrängt!
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